On Thursday I went to buy some make-up cuz Stockmann had a 10% off-day :) I bought a mascara and a primer by L'oréal. I'm happy with them, they seem to be working well for me!

This is how the mascara turned out, I really like it even though I have to use a clean brush to even out the result. This picture doesn't show it well but I have purple/brown eyeshadow as a base with a matte black on top. I like it but maybe a bit too dark for everyday use...

About a week ago I got a new piercing! I've been wanting one for I don't know how long. You can also see my new nails I got the same day :) Next time I think I want pastels, I'm not sure yet though...
Yesterday we watched 2012 with C, I hadn't seen it before, I think the special effects were cool! Today I'm not sure what we're gonna do, maybe watch a movie! How radical! *sarcasm* :D