Heyy, so here are pictures from my trip :) they are from 3 different cameras, one real and two cell phones so the quality of the pictures differ a bit.
S with M's halfwig
Free mask from CocoLulu
Salt ice cream, I thought it would be gross but it was actually good :)
"Fresh" after a 15 hour trip :D I did do my make-up on the plane ;D
Dessert pizza, yumyum :)
Melon soda
Shisha~ I randomly had the best coffee I've ever had in Japan in this place :D
Hope you enjoyed my pics, Merry Cristmas, I'll post again soon :) xx
I'm 21-year old girl and this is my blog where I write about my everyday life. I like all sorts of stuff, but my main focus is on Japanese music and street fashion. Enjoy~ Don't forget to drop me a comment if you like/dislike something ^^