Yes, sorry about the lack of updates!
This weekend I had a blast, on Friday I had work and just briefly checked out the night of arts in Helsinki but it was so freakin' cold we left around 11 pm. I was wearing my winter jacket and I was still shivering :/ Well that's Finland for you.
On Saturday I woke up early to go shoot a short film for my friends' school project. I was playing an assassin which is so not me, because my face is so innocent lol. But anyway it was super fun and I think it'll turn out well :)
Haha, fake blood :D

On Sunday my godson had his birthday! He is the cutest thing ever <3
Oh and M went to nail school, so she made me acrylic nails on Thursday!

Tomorrow I have work again, from 6 am to 2 pm, blaaah so early!! But money is good, I have so many things I want to buy already!! But I'm not going to buy that much stuff since I'm saving for my trip to Tokyo in December :)