Sooo, I still haven't got my results from my blood tests, I'm thinking I should call the doctor about them but I hate calling to like formal places. I don't know why, I think it has something to do with me being afraid of disturbing people... Stupid, I know. Today is my dad's birthday! So we went to dinner to celebrate and my mum payed for it :D Haha, the independent woman :D lol.
Blaaah, it's raining and I'm suppose to go for a walk with Sanna, I'll just have to wear something warm :) I can't believe it was just last week I went out in the evening in just shorts and a T-shirt. For the last few days I've been so tired, really, I've been sleeping for about 11 hours the alst two nights and I still don't have any trouble falling asleep, I guess that's kinda good though, huh?
On Monday I went shopping for some beauty products, like a hair treatement masque to moisturise my hair and its brittle ends, a moisturiser for my face and omega-3 pills to get vitamins for my skin and hair. I really want to get long hair haha.
It's only a month before S gets here!! Time has gone by so fast but I still miss her like crazy and just talking to her about stuff. And it's just a bit more than a month before I go to Japan! I leave July 2 and come home July 31. I'm so excited for this trip, it's going to be even better than the last one, and maybe I won't be shopping as much since I have classes eveyday except for weekends. I really need to be careful with my money since yen is so strong compared to euro right now. But even though Japan hosts some of my favourite brands, this trip is more about studies and party than shopping. Last year was pretty much all about shopping and concerts, this year is about partying and concerts :D Of course I know I won't be able to resist some stuff, but this year I'll definately thibk through some of my purchases and not just get whisked away by the stuff ^^
My birthday is next week, I might get a new piercing but I'm not sure yet, after all, my priority is to save money for Japan right.
11 months ago