So I feel that lately I update this blog rarely, I still want to keep it up, especially when I go to Tokyo. This blog will be a great help documenting that trip :) It's only 12 days until I leave!! It's crazy soon but at the same time I can't wait!
Well, this week, again, I haven't done much because I had my final test on Friday and besides studying I've seen friends and I also had work on Friday and Saturday, yay money~ :D lol but seriously I need money for my trip because the Japanese Yen is so strong against the Euro :/ But I'll survive ;D

Tis was written on the bathroom door at a bar I went to a few weeks ago and its says "If you're a whore you read this! How do you feel now?" I thought that was something so weird to write on a door I had to take a picture of it :D

At Stockmann you can ground your own coffee beans and that's what I did with my dad one day when we went grocery shopping

This was in a Japanese fashion magazine called Popteen and the shirt says "Ready to fry away" hmm, that's gross :DD

Some flowers from our garden, I think they are so pretty!

And me at work on Saturday, looks at how I slouch! I really need to do somethibg about my terrible posture -.-'
Next weekend is Juhannus and I still don't have any exact plans. Oh well, I know I'll be drinking anyways :D and I'm finally on proper summer break so maybe I'll have some more interesting things to write about :)