As I said I've been really busy this week but I have some things to write about this week!
On Thuesday I went driving around with the guys and we stopped by a supermarket to buy cigarettes and I wanted candy. So when we came inside the store the store the first thing we see are the fruits, so Made says "Have some of nature's candy!"

Haha, maybe I should, I've been eating way too much sugar lately, it's bad for my skin >.<
On Wednesday and Thursday I had work, but C came over on Thursday and we made pancakes!

The perfect pancake that C made! :D
C also helped me get my extensions off, I decided it was time for them to come off after 10 weeks. But now I feel bald :'D Next week I'm going to go get some highlights i my upper layers for a brighter feel.
On Friday I was so tired after school and work I almost fell asleep in the car while Made was driving :'D And my parents came home the night between Friday and Saturday.
On Saturday I had work again and then we went out clubbing because it was Nikos' birthday. I had so much fun just dancing like a crazy person even though I wasn't drinking :)
And today I'm going to go watch Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. I'm excited! I've heard so many good things about that movie :)