So I'm at work now in the anime-goods store. This work is something that I do very randomly whenever the owner is away or just needs a vacation :D But since this isn't the busiest of shops I thought I'd do some blogging and school stuff and brought my laptop here.
This week I have'nt done alot, just hung out with C and Sanna, played some wii and I had my last shift of my "real" work on Monday. That job is at kind of a school and the semester is almost over and I swichted shifts with another girl so I'm done with that place for about 5 months until it starts again in September if I can keep my job.
I bought a new nailpolish on Monday and some pants that I found at the fleamarket. The pants are a bit short but I'm gonna wear the rolled up anyway so it doesn't matter :) I love it when you find cool stuff on flea markets for such a low price. It satisfies a bit the shoppaholic in me ;)
AND! My blog has had over a thousand hits now! That's so cool and a huge deal for me since I just started this blog to relieve my boredom. Haha, I guess some people have an interest in my life hmm? :D Anyway, see ya later!
11 months ago
lol de e ja som kommer hit 20 ggr om dagen..nånej...grattis!