I also went running with Annika today, and I didn't die like I thought I would. Still, I need to start doing more exercise to get healthier because I'm in such bad shape right now :/
But a picture from Saturday featuring me, cake and coffee :D

Gosh, I look so young in these pictures. Speaking of young, as Tia and I were walking down the isle of the mall there were about 3 guys and 2 girls about 14 years old walking infront of us. One of the guys keeps turning towards us and as Tia and I are about to pass the he goes "HEYY woukd you like to have boyfriends?" Haha, I started laughing and Tia just said she already has one so the guy just says sorry for disturbing :D Anyway this weekend was so much fun just chilling with Tia and taking photos, I'll upload some when Tia is done editing them :)
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