So as I've told you I've been feeling depressed and down lately and I'm starting to figure out why. Since elementary school I've had issues with abandonment and now it's coming back to haunt me. Some of my friends are leaving Finland to go study adn they are going far away, Japan and Australia. So I guess I feel like they're abandoning me even though I know thinking about it they're not but the subconscious is weird, right. So after realizing this I've been a bit calmer. Last night I went to dinner with my family and my uncle and grandpa also joined us. Talking to my uncle is always rewarding in a way that I don't get from may people because he has this weird insight if life that I guess only comes with age and he is already 65 so I guess you can call that having lots of life experience. Anyway talking to him made me realize I might be stuck with a false self-image, like I never define myself through school or any kind of educational perspective, I always define myself through music and sometimes friends and that's why I've had thoughts about uni not being my thing. I'm not sura about all of this but it's definately given me something to think about, and it also gave me a little boost to continue with my studies.
But enough about deep stuff :D The restaurant we had dinner at yesterday had two toilet seats in the girls bathroom :D

So random, I guess it's a joke cuz girls always go to the bathroom together :D
After dinner I went out partying with some friends that I hadn't seen in a while cuz I've been so busy. I had so much fun! And this is how I looked last night. I like my hair, it was so cute ^^

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