There has been some craaazy stuff going on :) This weekend I went to this kinda cabin trip with my uni friends and it was crazy mad, everyone was so drunk ;D but I had a blast. Also because we are geography students we went to see some nature stuff to, e.g. we climbed up to the highest point of Varsinais-Suomi, don't know what is in English and wow it was like super steep and everyone had a hangover so that made it even harder. It was only 140 metres above seelvel tho...
And yesterday I just went to see the cue for MUCC with some friends and BAM we get 2 free tickets!! Like what the hell?! :D Anyway so there were three of us and only two tickets so I and Tia bought Sari a ticket as an early birthday present (note, Sari's birthday is in December :D) Anyway I'm so glad we did that because it was an awesome show! I was watching them play and I couldn't believe they were the ones playing that cool music :D now I'm a bit sore from headbanging but that's just the sign of good show :)
I haven't been posting pictures in a while but here's how I looked like yesterday BEFORE the concert ;D
An here's a beautiful pic from the cabin trip! You could drink from that lake ^^
C ya!!
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